Weather service provider
Aeolis Forecasting Services is a weather service provider aiming at the support of weather related commerce and industry, the energy sector in particular.
meteorological benefit
Weather may effect your business for the better or the worse. And mother nature alone decides what it will be. However by means of computer models we are able to predict mother’s nature quite accurate untill several days in advance. Your business may benefit from our knowledge.
demand and supply
Aeolis is all about forecasting. A good demand forecast results directly into increased revenue in the form of higher rates per customer, without a loss of orders. Better forecasts may result in lower stocks and all related costs. Over the past 15 years Aeolis has developed its forecasting skills for a large variety of phenomena, especially in relation to the weather. Obvious are the consumption of energy, both electric and gas. Less obvious, yet very distinct, is the turnover of flowers or congestion at first aid posts.
your own meteorlogical service
The national meteorological inistitutes collect meteorological data, conduct research on meteorology and climatology and issue general weather reports and forecasts for the public. Aeolis helps you with more specific forecasts. We reveal the available meteorological information and go beyond the scope of the national institutes.
mesoscale meteorology
By deploying our own mesoscale numerical weather models Aeolis is capable of generating high resolution weather forecasts all over the world.